Final Blog

As we were pulling ourselves together heading to who knows where it made me think of how much of a savage all of us were acting. We let the best of us come out, due to our selfishness. Jack on the other hand still didn’t embrace the fact that we were saved, he stilled showed his savage sign. We all had no idea what was going on, the naval officer finally told us that we were right in the middle of World war 2. Many of the boys were interested in the topic but the littluns were terrified.

As we were boarding the ship I was still getting flashbacks on how Piggy and Simon died. I feel like as a leader I failed to keep the boys civilized and safe. We got in the ship and there were other boys that looked scratched up, had bruises, hair was dirty, and barely had clothes like us. The other group of boys had bags under their eyes or dark circles. Some had rashes all over their body. Most looked skinny. Officer directed us to the bedding section of the ship. I haven't rested on a bed for so long I almost forgot what it feels like.

The officer told us that we need to rest because we are in really bad shape and conditions. He said that the littluns could fit about 4-5 on each bunk. And the older kids could get their own. I jumped on the bunk I choose and went straight to sleep. I woke up feeling refreshed in my mind but somewhat not in and out my body. I walked to the front of the ship where everyone was gathered up and socializing. I needed a shower it looked like everyone took a shower because everyone looked groomed. I didn’t want to interrupt anything so I decided to go find it myself. I put a conclusion that the showers should be close to the beds. I was right. I walked and there was already fresh towels on a shelf with a bar of soap on it. I took a towel and the bar of soap.  I got in the shower turned on the knob to turn shower on and put the temperature on hot. I haven't had a hot shower in a while. Steam was going everywhere the water hitting my skin and almost my burning scars and bruises felt like the best thing right now. I stayed there for about an hour and got out. Dried myself and try to find clothes. But it seems someone knew I was taking a shower and left clothes for me on the shelf either the towels. I put them on and walked out to where everyone where and sat down with the other kids and adults were.

Next think we stopped out of nowhere and the same officer that found us on the island walked out of the ship and left. I seemed quite worried because nobody was reacting to what just happened. They just kept continuing what they were doing. And I noticed there were more kids on the ship. They looked dirty but not as dirty as I was. They were playing with the littluns. So I just watched and thought about how better it would have been if Simon and piggy were here. The officer came back with another group of kids. And did the same routine he did with my group and maybe the one after us. But they was one boy my age and he looked rather clean so he sat next to me and observed me. He introduced his name. Peter was the name. And he came from the same town that I was from. We started talking about all the leading event that lead us to be in the very ship. His story was far from mine. He had adults in the location he was in and that he had one family member with him. But unfortunately they died. I said that 2 of my brothers died and that I missed them very much. One adult said that we it's time for bed. My bunk was pretty big so I said he could sleep on my bunk.

So everybody was sleeping  but I was wide awake thinking about everything that happened in my life. I regret everything that happened. How could I have let an I island with no adults on it turned me into a savage? How could I kill someone that I was supposed to protect? How could everything go so wrong yet so quickly? Did I not see the signs? Did I make the right choice on being the leader? All these question were running through my mind while I was falling asleep on the ship finding a new home gaining my civilization back.


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