
The first symbol is piggy's glasses. piggy wears glasses to see because without his glasses he cant see. And the boys also use it to start the fire.  It symbolizes vision (to see + think). The reason why symbolizes that be cause Piggy needs to see and it also can symbolize the fire so they can get rescued. The glasses changes because Jack slapped Piggy across the face and it fell and broke. So now one of the lenses is cracked.

The next one is fire. the fire represents hope. hope to get rescued. Because they don't want to stay on the island forever. the fire changes in the story because Sam and Eric were suppose to tend the fire but instead they went to go hunting with Jack. And when that happened it went out right before the ship passed by the island. they had a chance but now there is no hope.   

And finally the last one is face paint. Jack uses the face paint to camouflage so he wouldn't be to attractive to the animals. The face paint symbolizes savagery because he becoming like an animal. The changes is that the schools boys became savages.


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