Chapter 7

Dear Diary
Its late at night and I heard footsteps while I was trying to fall asleep last night I thought maybe it came from jack and the littluns but it was something bigger and scarier..... well I think I don't know I was too scared to even look. or maybe it was ralph and them. I hear yelling and screaming I know its them there's no one else on this island. or is there.  Now being fully awake I'm watching the littluns sleep and also my surrounds. They've been gone for a long time I'm starting to get worried. I cant even see straight. It's so dark and blurry. I keep looking from side to side and see nothing. I hope they come back soon cause I'm having a bad feeling that something is going to happen.

I really wished they told me more information about what they were doing because what if something traumatic happened. What would I do stop to it? so many things could have happened. And why did they go so early?

I think that they will come back with something that found. Like a hidden place on the island or something. Or they found more people of the island. I hope they bring food because we could need more of  that.


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