The Beastie

Dear Diary,

Each of the characters think differently of the "beastie". The littluns think its snake. Ralph thinks it the littluns imagination of nightmares. Me, I don't believe it at all. And now Simon thinks it's something evil. And Jack really doesn’t care what it is he just wants to kill it .

Instead of worrying about a helpless beastie everyone should be worry about make huts getting food and finding ways to get rescued. All this beastie rumors is making us fall apart. The kids are too scared to do anything. This is not what we agreed on when Ralph was talking about in the meetings. He says that all the boys act excited and energized by the plans they make at meetings but none of them is willing to work to make the plans into work.

 I think it's nothing and we have to put this "beastie" behind us and focus on stuff that really important. We are giving all of our time worrying about this non existing creature, that we could have been putting all of our focus on getting rescued. We really need to start getting on track.


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