
Showing posts from April, 2017

Chapter 12

Dear Diary, So I currently died and I'm watching everything up in heaven. I see Ralph hiding in the jungle tryin to hide away from Jack. Ralph comes across the stick with the pig's head o the top. he takes off the head and uses the stick as a weapon to defend himself. he went passed the castle rock and saw the twins. They gave him food. They told him Jack's plans of what he's doing tomorrow. then he falls asleep. Ralph smells smoke and leaves his hiding spot.  He fights away Jack and his hunters on the way. He ends up at the beach. and Ralph sees a officer standing over him. he tells jack the he seen the fire and there is a ship to recue them. And Jack and his hunters came along too. the officer assumes that the boys were playing. He questions them how did they loose all the their respect for the rules of civilization in a short amount of time. The boys became so overwhelmed and embarrassed that they all started crying. And the boys started regaining their self-control

Chapter 11

Dear Diary, Ralph and I were just sitting on our side of the island. Watching the liluns play in the water. Then Ralph decided to call a meeting to discuss things. shortly after Ralph went to Jack's side and came across Jack and demand Ralph to leave his tribe. Ralph asks for my glasses  They got into a fight and Jack ordered his hunters to go capture Samneric. They fought again. I tried to tell them about the plan of the rescue but no one was playing attention. next thing I know I see Ralph diving and a boulder hitting my head. Signed, Piggy

Chapter 10

Dear Diary, Ralph and I were walking back to the beach feeling deeply ashamed on what just happened. I couldn't even say that  killed him because I didn't. Because I don't kill my friends. Ralph on the other hand doesn't even care. a few hours pass by and nothing really important happened. it was night time and it was time to go to sleep and for some reason I was hearing the shrieking noise and I thought it was one of the other boys but it was jack's tribe assaulting us for no reason whatsoever. it was probably because of the fire incident. but we would share the fire with no hesitation. oh did I mention they stole my glasses. Signed, Piggy

Chapter 9

Dear Diary, I was looking at the sky through my glasses will ralph being in my presences, we were talking about the cloudes and water. We watched the littluns play in the water. Then we decided to go in. Ralph kept splashing water on me and I didn't want to clean my glasses again. And shortly after they all left to go to Jack's party. I thought we should go to check and see that everyone will be okay. We went to "party" and surprisingly there were a lo of meat. Ralph and I ate as much as we wanted. Ralph wanted to stay I pulled his arm to try to stop him to getting himself in such mess. we also danced and even managed to kill the beast. I didn't really see what happen because my glasses were getting foggy. or did we really ill it?

Chapter 8

Dear Diary, Today when Ralph and the others came back they were talking about the beastie. And in my mind I was thinking not Ralph too. They were telling me that it had teeth and bid black eyes. Soon after Jack called for an assembly over an argument that Jack and Ralph had. Jack's words in the meeting were very misguided. Ralph was talking bad about Jack's hunters. But not how Jack explained it to the assembly. Then he said wanted to be chief because he thinks that Ralph is not good enough and he's a coward. then no one agree with him so he ran off. Shortly after I stood up with the conch preaching that we don't need Jack. There's other hunters besides him. I am still stunned about the beast being real it we have to take matters in our own hands and stay close to the platform. And now we cant start to decide on what's what. I suggested to have a fire down were we are instead of having it on the mountain. It saves time. Everyone else agreed. After that I felt l

Chapter 7

Dear Diary Its late at night and I heard footsteps while I was trying to fall asleep last night I thought maybe it came from jack and the littluns but it was something bigger and scarier..... well I think I don't know I was too scared to even look. or maybe it was ralph and them. I hear yelling and screaming I know its them there's no one else on this island. or is there.  Now being fully awake I'm watching the littluns sleep and also my surrounds. They've been gone for a long time I'm starting to get worried. I cant even see straight. It's so dark and blurry. I keep looking from side to side and see nothing. I hope they come back soon cause I'm having a bad feeling that something is going to happen. I really wished they told me more information about what they were doing because what if something traumatic happened. What would I do stop to it? so many things could have happened. And why did they go so early? I think that they will come back with so

Chapter 6

Dear Dairy, when everybody was sleeping there was a dog fight. And one plane destroyed the other plane and the polite felt out the plane and landed in the island. Sam and Eric woke up they tend to the fire to make the flames brighter. In the flickering firelight, they see a twisted form of the figure of the beast. They run quickly back to the camp to wake Ralph and tell him what they have seen. Ralph calls for a meeting at and explain what they saw when they were suppose to tending the fire. ralph allows jack to lead the group of boys who went to find the "beastie." they reached a part of the island that no ones has seen or expedited before. they walked a thin that leads to a hill dotted with small caves. they are afraid to go to the walkway and around the edge so ralph goes to take a look at what's ahead. then jack goes in. They climb the hill. the other boys began to play games pushing rock into the water most of them forgot the purpose if this trip. Ralph reminds them

Chapter 5

     Dear Diary,  Ralph called a meeting to set some ground rules and to discuss them. He talks about how everybody talks about wanting to work and help to survive. But when it actually came to do the work they are lazy and just play around. The littuens talk about that there is a beastie on the island and ralph says tat there is no beastie and its just made out of fear. But jack says he will maintain the "beastie". And one of the littuens talk about seeing the beastie and they were making suggestion on what it doesn't in the day/night time and that brought chaos into the meeting. Now Jack is claiming that if he sees the beastie he will kill it with the hunters. All the boy started running after jack singing and dancing the chant. I feel like we are getting no where in what we have to do. We literally just go through a meeting about working together and staying on track now all they want to do is play around. All I know is things are going to go downhill from this poi


The first symbol is piggy's glasses. piggy wears glasses to see because without his glasses he cant see. And the boys also use it to start the fire.  It symbolizes vision (to see + think). The reason why symbolizes that be cause Piggy needs to see and it also can symbolize the fire so they can get rescued. The glasses changes because Jack slapped Piggy across the face and it fell and broke. So now one of the lenses is cracked. The next one is fire. the fire represents hope. hope to get rescued. Because they don't want to stay on the island forever. the fire changes in the story because Sam and Eric were suppose to tend the fire but instead they went to go hunting with Jack. And when that happened it went out right before the ship passed by the island. they had a chance but now there is no hope.    And finally the last one is face paint. Jack uses the face paint to camouflage so he wouldn't be to attractive to the animals. The face paint symbolizes savagery because

Chapter 4

Dear diary,         Today  a ship has been seen today by Ralph and I. When we went noticed that Sam and Eric  we were furious that they were not there. We leave them to do one job and this happens. They were supposed to be tending the fire and to see ships in the water coming to rescue us. But the fire went out.  Me and Ralph went to go to Jack about the why he wanted the twins. He said he wanted them because he needed them to hunt. But does jack care of course not because he caught the pig. After that we had a little feast. And then while everyone was eating there food jack said that I didn’t help get the food. But really its cause he doesn’t like me. But I really wanted to eat. So I said ralph didn’t help and Simon so can they eat. And then he just punches me and slaps me and now my glasses are broken. And then after all of that Simon shares is food with me. I feel so violated. My glasses are broken my face hurts. How can someone feed everybody and just leave that one

The Beastie

Dear Diary, Each of the characters think differently of the "beastie". The littluns think its snake. Ralph thinks it the littluns imagination of nightmares. Me, I don't believe it at all. And now Simon thinks it's something evil. And Jack really doesn’t care what it is he just wants to kill it . Instead of worrying about a helpless beastie everyone should be worry about make huts getting food and finding ways to get rescued. All this beastie rumors is making us fall apart. The kids are too scared to do anything. This is not what we agreed on when Ralph was talking about in the meetings. He says that all the boys act excited and energized by the plans they make at meetings but none of them is willing to work to make the plans into work.  I think it's nothing and we have to put this "beastie" behind us and focus on stuff that really important. We are giving all of our time worrying about this non existing creature, that we could have bee

Chapter 3 Huts on the beach

Dear Diary, While Ralph and Simon were making the huts by themselves jack and the hunters went hunting for the pig. Ralph is irritated because the huts keep falling down before they are completed and because, though the huts are vital to the boys’ ability to live on the island, none of the other boys besides Simon will help him. As Ralph and Simon work most of the other boys splash about and play in the lagoon. Ralph sees that few of the boys are doing any work. He says that all the boys act excited and energized by the plans they make at meetings, but none of them is willing to work to make the plans into work. And jack still  haven't caught the pig yet. Ralph says that Jack and the hunters are using their hunting skills as an excuse to avoid the real work. And all jacks says to that is we need meat. At the same time Simon was wandering through the jungle alone. And He helps some of the older boys have started to  “littluns”—reach fruit hanging from a high branch. He walks

Chapter 2

Dear Diary, Ralph makes a noise with the shell. That means that there's goin to have a meeting at the beach. He says that there no adults so we have to act civil. So they make things more organized they Ralph said whoever is holding the conch shell can talk with no interruptions. One of the lileuns saw a "bestie" and now everyone on the island is scared. In order to get rescued Ralph had a great idea that we should make a big fire on the top of the mountain. And when passing ships they’ll see the smoke coming from the island then we'll get rescued.  Jack wanted to be in charge with the fire with his group "The Hunters". The fire got out of control and burnt half of the island. If jack was doing this job instead of "hunting" that would never happen And now the kid that was going around saying that there is a beastie is missing. I think if they didn’t always play around or go hunting they fire would still be up there and the other half of th